Jens Brøndum Frøkjær MD, PhD, DMSc, Professor
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M.D., 2000, Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK
Global Clinical Scholar Research Training Program, 2015, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.
Degrees and awards
Ph.D., 2006, Dept. of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg
University, DK.
Main academic positions
Head of Research, from 2000, Department of Radiology, Aalborg Hospital, DK.
Associate Professor, from 2011, Clinical Institute, Aarhus University, DK.
Associate Professor, 2013-2015, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, DK.
Professor, from 2015, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, DK.
Current research interests
Clinical and experimental gastroenterological imaging studies; Neurophysiological brain imaging (EEG, MRI and fMRI); The gut-brain axis; Gastrointestinal pain in health and disease; Diabetic gastroenterology; Development of methods to assess the physiological and nociceptive function of the gut; Visceral motor and sensory function; Soft tissue biomechanics and remodelling; Image processing and 3-D gastrointestinal model reconstruction.
Scientific work
Papers peer-reviewed published: 103 (first author on 22 papers, 14 reviews, 2 book chapters).
Citation Report: cited 879 times, h-index: 19. ORCID iD: orcid.org/0000-0001-8722-0070
Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Assessment of the Mechanosensory Properties in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract”, 2006.
First author on 51 abstracts (16 oral presentations and 35 first author poster presentations).
Grants and awards:
4 research awards and 3 awarded posters. Awarded research 22 grants.
Clinical and research management:
He is a widely recognised expert in gastroenterology and pain, especially in diseases of pancreas and oesophagus. He has participated in more than 10 courses in management arranged by the Danish Medical Association. He holds the chair as Professor at Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology with responsibility for budgets and quality control. He co-founded and is now Director of Mech-Sense, which is a multidisciplinary research centre where he has the leadership of 24 co-workers (among them 10 Ph.D. students and 8 postdocs). He is leader of the Clinical Trial Unit and the Centre for Pancreatic Diseases. He has outstanding experience as leader of research activities in-house as well as in multi-centre studies.
Supervisor duties, teaching and GCP:
Education/lecturing at Aalborg University Hospital, and at several scientific conferences and meetings. Education of medical students at Aalborg University and Aarhus University. Supervisor for Ph.D. students (10 in total), supervisor of medical students (9 in total), supervisor of research training in radiology specialist education (17 in total).